Monthly Quality of Life (QoL) and Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Articles

Monthly Quality of Life (QoL) and Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Articles

Every month, we will provide you with a list of new articles that specifically covers topics surrounding QoL! A special thanks goes out to Maureen Pakosh, Information Resources Specialist at Toronto Rehab – University Health Network, who compiles a monthly list of relevant SCI journal articles for us.

Here are this month’s articles relating to QoL and SCI:

  1. Bassett RL, Ginis KA. Risky business: the effects of individualized health information intervention on health risk perceptions and leisure time physical activity among people people with spinal cord injury. Disabil Health J 2011;3:165-76.
  2. Bergmark L, Westgren N, Asaba E. Returning to work after spinal cord injury: exploring young adults’ early expectations and experience. Disabil Rehabili 2011;33:2553-8.
  3. Dajpratham P, Kongkasuwan R. Quality of life among the traumatic spinal cord injured patients. J Med Assoc Thai 2011;94:1252-9.
  4. Dickson A, Ward R, O’Brien G, Allan D, O’Carroll R. Difficulties adjusting to post-discharge life following a spinal cord injury: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Psychol Health Med 2011;16:463-74.
  5. Gajraj-Singh P. Psychological impact and the burden of caregiving for persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) living in the community in Fiji. Spinal Cord 2011;49:928-34.
  6. Ginis KA, Latimer AE, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Bassett RL, Wolfe DL, Hanna SE. Determinants of physical activity among people with spinal cord injury: a test of social cognitive theory. Ann Behav Med 2011;42:127-33.
  7. Hastings J, Robins H, Griffiths Y, Hamilton C. The differences in self-esteem, function, and participation between adults with low cervical motor tetraplegia who use power or manual wheelchairs. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2011;92:1785-8.
  8. Hirsh AT, Braden AL, Craggs JG, Jensen MP. Psychometric properties of the community integration questionnaire in a heterogeneous sample of adults with physical disability. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2011;92:1602-10.
  9. Krause JS, Saunders LL. Health, secondary conditions, and life expectancy after spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2011;92:1770-5.
  10. Murphy GC, Middleton J, Quirk R, De Wolf A, Cameron ID. Predicting employment status at 2 years’ postdischarge from spinal cord injury rehabilitation. Rehabil Psychol 2011;56:251-6.
  11. Pernot HF, Lannem AM, Geers RP, Ruijters EF, Bloemendal M, Seelen HA. Validity of the test-table-test for Nordic skiing for classification of paralympic sit-ski sports participants. Spinal Cord 2011;49:935-41.
  12. Ramakrishnan K, Mazlan M, Julia PE, Abdul Latif L. Return to work after spinal cord injury: factors related to time to first job. Spinal Cord 2011;49:924-7.
  13. Weitzner E, Surca S, Wiese S, Dion A, Roussos Z, Renwick R, Yoshida K. Getting on with life: positive experiences of living with a spinal cord injury. Qual Health Res 2011;21:1455-68.
By | 2018-06-14T16:10:57-05:00 February 6th, 2012|Blog|