PAR-QoL Project Team

PAR-QoL Project Team 2018-07-25T15:52:30-05:00

Luc Noreau, PhD

Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social Integration (CIRRIS)

Adjunct Professor, Department of Rehabilitation
Faculty of Medicine
Université Laval

Dr. Noreau is an Adjunct Professor at the Rehabilitation Department, at the Université Laval, and Researcher at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social Integration (CIRRIS), Quebec City. From 1994 to 2006, he was a scholar of the Quebec Health Research Foundations. He has carried out projects in various fields but primarily in SCI rehabilitation. For more than 15 years, he has been the principal investigator of several projects carried out within the Québec SCI Centres of Excellence that aimed at assessing the rehabilitation services delivered to individuals with SCI. He is also the co-developer of the Assessment of Life Habits (LIFE-H) instrument to measure social participation. From January 2008 to December 2009, he was Scientific Director (Lead) of the Community Integration Practice Network. 

Sander L. Hitzig, PhD

St. John’s Rehab Research Program, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Dr. Hitzig is a Scientist at St. John’s Rehab Research Program at the Sunnybrook Research Institute (Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre). He earned his MA in Educational Psychology at McGill University (Montreal, Canada) and PhD in Developmental and Cognitive Psychology from York University (Toronto, Canada). He completed his post-doctoral fellowship at Toronto Rehab’s Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program, and then worked as a Scientist at Toronto Rehab and a New Investigator at Sunnybrook’s Health Outcomes and PharmacoEconomics (HOPE) Research Centre from Jan 2011 to Nov 2012. His areas of expertise are on aging with a disability, evaluating the impact of secondary health conditions on QoL, and identifying factors that promote health and well-being in the community following disability.

B.Catharine Craven, MD, FRCP(C), MSc

Clinician scientist
Toronto Rehab (Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program) – University Health Network

Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine, Division of Physiatry
University of Toronto

Dr. Craven received her MD from McMaster University, specializing in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and recently completed a Masters degree in Epidemiology at the University of Toronto. Her expertise is in the prevention and treatment of sublesional osteoporosis and secondary medical complications of SCI.  She has conducted multiple studies using drug (i.e. calcium supplements, risedronate) and/or rehab interventions (i.e. whole body vibration, standing, FES, body weight support treadmill training) for the prevention and treatment of sublesional osteoporosis.  Dr.  Craven is a recipient of many honours and awards, including the Fellowship Support Award presented by the Canadian Physiatry Research and Development Foundation.  She has been the scientific co-chair of the 1st–5th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference.

Pubmed publications

François Routhier, P.Eng, PhD

Centre for interdisciplinary research in rehabilitation and social integration (CIRRIS)

Associate Professor
Department of Rehabilitation and the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Université Laval

Dr. Routhier earned his B.Sc (1993) and M.Sc. (1997) in Mechanical Engineering at the Université Laval, and subsequently his Ph.D. (2004) in Experimental Medicine at the CIRRIS. Dr. Routhier’s research interests are on assistive technologies (impact assessment, development, and etc.), wheelchair skills training and assessment, development and validation of tools/methods of clinical/research assessment and training/education, development and evaluation of interventions with users of assistive devices, and social participation of assistive technology users.

Krista Best, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow
Centre for interdisciplinary research in rehabilitation and social integration (CIRRIS)
Université Laval

Dr. Best joins the ParQoL team as a postdoctoral fellow through Université Laval and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social Integration (CIRRIS) in Quebec City. She earned her MSc in Kinesiology at Dalhousie University (Halifax, Canada) and PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada). She has been a member of the Wheelchair Research Team at Dalhousie University since 2001, and has more than 12 years of experience in wheelchair skills evaluation and training. Her area of expertise is wheelchair skills assessment and training, with particular research interest in community-based manual wheelchair training programs that improve wheelchair mobility, increase physical activity, and promote health and well-being among wheelchair users.

Pubmed publications

To see our list of achievements related to the PAR-QoL project, please click here:


We want to thank the feedback and contributions of the following persons to the Par-QoL project:

Christina Balioussis, PhD – Toronto Rehab (Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program) – UHN

Kathy Boschen, PhD – University of Toronto/Bridgepoint Health Hospital

Kent Campbell, PhD – University of Toronto

Karen Ethans, MD, FRCPC (PM+R) – Health Sciences Center/University of Manitoba

Heather Flett, MSc – Toronto Rehab – University Health Network

Jean Hum, MSc – Mt. Sinai Hospital (New York)

Amy Latimer, PhD – Queen’s University

Colleen McGillivray, MD, FRCPC – Toronto Rehab – University Health Network

Vanessa K. Noonan, PhD – Rick Hansen Institute

Ethne Nussbaum, PhD – Mt. Sinai Hospital/University of Toronto

Aliza Panjwani, BA – Toronto Rehab – University Health Network

Daphney St-Germain, PhD – CIRRIS/Laval University

Dalton Wolfe, PhD – Lawson Health Research Institute/University of Western Ontario