Useful Links

Useful Links 2018-07-25T16:14:51-05:00

On-Line Clinical Guidelines

Canadian Clinical Best Practice Guidelines for Pressure Ulcers – Available as a free downloadable PDF – click here.

Caring for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury – eLearning resource is designed specifically for family physicians who care for (or considering care for) persons with spinal cord injury in their practice.

Fragments 1.0 – A management guide for healthy bones after a spinal cord injury.

SCI Action Canada – Physical activity guidelines for adults with spinal cord injury.

Educational Materials

2016 College Resources for Students with Disabilities from – a user-friendly guide that explores legal provisions as well as a comprehensive listing of scholarships and grants designed specifically to support the higher education pursuits of students with disabilities.

There is an online course called ‘ABC of Autonomic Dysreflexia’ that can teach you about the symptoms and management of autonomic dysreflexia in people with spinal cord injury.

FacingDisability – FacingDisability was specifically created to connect families who suddenly have to deal with a spinal cord injury with other people like them.

SCI-U – On-line education modules about managing your spinal cord injury.

Spinal Essentials – Spinal Cord Essentials is a collection of approximately 70 handouts aimed to help people manage spinal cord injury.

The Caregiver Chronicles  – The Caregiver Chronicles is a series of videos that feature interviews with caregivers, each of whom has a partner with some form of paralysis. These videos are provided by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.

The International Network of SCI physiotherapists (SCIPT) – SCIPT is a not-for-profit initiative of physiotherapists worldwide. It is for physiotherapists working in the area of spinal cord injuries although other physiotherapists are welcome to join.

The Rehabilitation Environmental Scan Atlas: Capturing Capacity in Canadian SCI Rehabilitation – the Atlas examines the complexities of SCI rehab, describes the current state of practice and maps the actions required to standardize and transform practice by 2020.  The E-Atlas is available as a free downloadable PDF – click here.

Home Remodeling for Disability and Special Needs: What You Need to Know – Here is a useful article about home remodelling following a physical disability.  To read the article, click here.

Evidence Reviews/Outcomes Databases

Database of Instruments for Resource Use Measurement  (DIRUM) – DIRUM is a project funded by the Medical Research Council Network of Hubs for Trial Methodology Research (MRC HTMR) to compile a Database of Instruments for Resource Use Measurement.

Patient-reported outcome and quality of life instruments database (PROQOLID): An outcomes database to facilitate the selection process of patient-reported outcome measures in clinical research.

Rehabilitation Measures Database – A resource to help clinicians and researchers identify reliable and valid instruments used to assess patient outcomes during all phases of rehabilitation.

The Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Evidence (SCIRE) Project –  A synthesis of the research evidence underlying rehabilitation interventions to improve the health of people living with spinal cord. injury.

Participating Spinal Cord Injury Foundations

Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation.

Quebec Rehabilitation Research Network (REPAR).

Rick Hansen Foundation.

Participating Clinical, Community Support, and Research Centres

Toronto Rehab.

Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social Integration (CIRRIS).

Quebec Rehabilitation Institute (IRDPQ).

Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montreal (CRIR).

Health Outcomes and PharmacoEconomics (HOPE) Research Centre.

Spinal Cord Injury Canada.

Site developed by:

hyperNET – Ottawa development firm

Updated on August 5, 2015