GTA Rehab Network – Best Practices Day, 2012

GTA Rehab Network – Best Practices Day, 2012

On Monday, February 28, our group presented a poster on the development of the PAR-QoL site at the GTA Rehab Network’s Best Practices Day. This conference was hosted by the GTA Rehab Network, a conglomeration of both public- and community-based organizations involved in the provision and planning of rehabilitation services.

The theme for this year’s conference was Building the Case for Rehab: Unlocking the Evidence. Many knowledgeable speakers took the stage and prompted the audience to think about what steps we, as healthcare professionals, should be taking right now to better our services for our consumers.  From the keynote panel discussion, a few important points were raised:

– Adequate access: Is the system providing enough rehab services based on what is needed?

– Evidence based care: Are rehabilitation interventions and treatments based on best evidence? Are they standardized?

– Timelines: Are rehabilitation services accessed in a timely way?

– What is the role of rehabilitation in substituting for acute care?

Overall, the conference was extremely informative, and we were glad to have the opportunity to present to raise awareness of our site. Click here to learn more about the wonderful speakers and view some of the presentations that were given!

By | 2018-06-14T16:10:26-04:00 March 5th, 2012|Blog|