Aging and Quality of Life – New Systematic Review

Aging and Quality of Life – New Systematic Review

People with spinal cord injury (SCI), who are now living an average of 30–40 years post injury, face a unique array of physical, functional and environmental stressors.  Given that more people with SCI are living longer, a greater understanding of the changes in QoL over time is important to ensure that people with SCI are not only living longer but also living well.

The Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Evidence (SCIRE) group has just published a systematic review on the influence of aging on subjective QoL after SCI, with a specific objective to identify changes in QoL as one ages with a SCI.

This advance online publication is now available on the journal ‘Spinal Cord‘.


Sakakibara BM, Hitzig SL, Miller WC, Eng JJ and the SCIRE Research Team. An evidence-based review on the influence of aging with a spinal cord injury on subjective quality of life. Spinal Cord advance online publication, March 27, 2012; doi:10.1038/sc.2012.19

By | 2018-06-14T16:09:03-04:00 April 2nd, 2012|Blog|