June 10, 2013

PAR-QoL Connects with Spinal Cord Essentials

The PAR-QoL team is excited to announce that Spinal Cord Essentials has come to our website.  Spinal Cord Essentials is a patient education initiative which aims help people through rehabilitation following spinal cord injury (SCI).

The project currently consists of 70 handouts which are one to four pages in length relating to various aspects of SCI rehabilitation. Many of the handouts have been included on secondary health conditions pages across the site.  For instance, the handouts related to bowel care can be found on our bowel dysfunction landing page.

We hope that the inclusion of Spinal Cord Essentials on our site will help to highlight this valuable resource for people with SCI and their families living in the community.  To learn more about Spinal Cord Essentials, see our latest blog entry…[PAR-QoL Blog].

In this issue, we also report on some exciting new developments from Get in Motion, and other developments from the PAR-QoL website.

Get in Motion: An evidence-based , free, telephone-based physical activity for Canadian adults with SCI.

Get in Motion offers six months of one-on-one telephone-based exercise counseling and access to physical activity resources at no cost to adults with SCI in Canada. The trained exercise counselor tailors telephone sessions to meet clients’ individual needs and level of motivation for physical activity. Get in Motion offers the following to all clients:1) Free resources:

2) Support from the counsellor to start or maintain a physical activity program, including:

  • Answers to physical activity-related questions (e.g., appropriate frequency, intensity, and duration of exercise)
  • Finding an accessibility facility or club (e.g., locating an accessible swimming pool or a wheelchair rugby team)
  • Strategies for success (e.g., goal setting, planning and scheduling activity, developing plans to overcome exercise barriers)

For more information or if you would like to enroll, please visit or contact the Get in Motion team at 1-866-678-1966 or at

Funding for Get in Motion is currently provided by the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation.

New PAR-QoL Article – Quality of Life Tools for Pressure Ulcers

The PAR-QoL Team has published a new article in the Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine about identifying and classifying quality of life tools for assessing pressure ulcers.

Hitzig SL, Balioussis C, McGillivray CF, Nussbaum E, Craven BC, Noreau L.  Identifying and classifying quality of life tools for assessing pressure ulcers after spinal cord injury.  Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine.  IN PRESS.

Given the substantial influence pressure ulcers have on QoL, there is a need to improve conceptual understandings of QoL to ensure that investigators employ appropriate research designs as well as suitable outcome measures to assess this serious secondary health condition associated with SCI.

Several other manuscripts are currently being drafted on which QoL tools to use with other secondary health conditions.

We would like to acknowledge our funders, the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation (ONF) and the Réseau Provincial de Recherche en Adaptation-Readaptation (REPAR), for their support of this project.

PAR-QoL goes Bilingual / PAR-QoL devient Bilingue

We are happy to announce that the PAR-QoL website will be providing some of our content in French.  This will include our main content pages, such as our pages on QoL constructssecondary health conditions, and descriptions of our outcome tools.

CIRRIS conducts research examining the personal (deficiencies and inabilities) and environmental (obstacles and facilitating elements) factors that influence the social participation of physically disabled persons. Learn about CIRRIS by clicking here.

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que le site PAR-QoL offrira une partie de son contenu en français. Il s’agira notamment des pages principalesde contenu, tels que cellessur les concepts de qualité de vieles conditions de santé secondaires et les descriptions des outils de mesure.

Le CIRRIS propose une programmation de recherche visant l’étude des déterminants personnels (déficiences et incapacités) et environnementaux (obstacles et facilitateurs) qui influencent la participation sociale des personnes ayant une déficience physique.  Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur le CIRRIS.

By | 2018-06-28T14:46:36-04:00 June 10th, 2013|Newsletters|