Upcoming: A Webinar by the PAR-QoL team!

Are you interested in measuring Quality of Life in spinal cord? If so, the PAR-QoL team invites you to attend a Webinar that will be held on November 12th, 2015 at 12:00pm EST.

This webinar will provide information about using the ParQoL website through the following objectives: 1) explain theoretical and psychometric considerations related to QoL outcome tool selection in SCI; 2) describe available resources to support tool selection; 3) navigate the ParQoL website to obtain information pertinent to clinical practice; and 4) apply ParQoL to real-world case-examples.

The webinar will be broadcast live. If you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive the direct link to the webinar, please email

Upcoming events and interesting resources in the field of SCI

Upcoming events

The ACRM 92nd Annual Conference-Progress in Rehabilitation Research. The conference will be held in Dallas, Texas on October 25-30, 2015. Call for abstracts is now closed, but it is still possible to register with an “early bird rate” until September 30th. For more information:  

Resources on SCI

SCI-U courses have been developed by people with spinal cord injury, working with researchers and health care professionals and are designed to give information on how to live an active, healthy live with a SCI:

The Art of Science– RHI Network Member and spinal cord injury researcher, Frédéric Dumont, talks about his two passions-research and art- and how he wants to combine them to make the world a better place. To learn more about his story, click on the following link (video in French only):

A highlight of the presence of the PAR-QoL team at conferences in 2015

Here are some of the many presentations done by members of the PAR-QoL team so far this year:

Best KL, Noreau L, Routhier F, Kairy D, Hitzig S. Theoretical Considerations On Quality Of Life Outcome Tool Selection For Spinal Cord Injury. Proceedings of the Paralyzed Veterans of America Summit 2015, Jacksonville, FL, September 1-3, 2015.

Best K, Hitzig S, Ethans K, Craven BC, Noreau L. Identifying And Classifying Quality Of Life Tools For Assessing Bladder Dysfunction After Spinal Cord Injury. Proceedings of the 4thISCoS and ASIA joint scientific meeting. Montreal, QC, May 14-16 2015.

Hitzig S, Best K, Burns A, Craven BC, Noreau L. Identifying And Classifying Quality Of Life Tools For Assessing Bowel Dysfunction After Spinal Cord Injury. Proceedings of the 4thISCoS and ASIA joint scientific meeting. Montreal, QC, May 14-16 2015.

Recent publications related to SCI by PAR-QoL team members

Sweet SN, Noreau L, Leblond J, Martin Ginis KA. Peer support need fulfillment among adults with spinal cord injury: relationships with participation, life satisfaction and individual characteristics. Disabil Rehabil. 2015 29:1-8.

Findings: The results provide some evidence that SCI peer support plays an important role in promoting participation and life satisfaction. Individuals with many SCI-related unmet needs are most likely to report a need for peer support.


Best KL, Miller WC, Huston G, Routhier F, Eng JJ. Pilot study of a peer-led wheelchair training program to improve self-efficacy using a manual wheelchair: A randomized controlled trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2015 (in press).

Findings: A peer-led manual wheelchair training program improves wheelchair use self-efficacy in adult manual wheelchair users (68% SCI), and had a positive influence on other wheelchair-related outcomes. Peer-led wheelchair training may offer a promising intervention strategy to accommodate the training needs of community-living manual wheelchair users.

By | 2018-06-28T11:47:49-05:00 September 21st, 2015|Newsletters|