5th National Conference – Meeting Highlights

5th National Conference – Meeting Highlights

Members of the PAR-QoL team attended the 5th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference.  This exciting conference highlighted Canadian expertise in the field of SCI as well as from collegues around the world.

Exciting keynote speeches were provided by top experts in the field.

Dr. John Steeves (founding director of ICORD) was presented with the Champion of Change Award for his tireless efforts and contributions to the field of SCI.  Congratulations to Dr. Steeves!

A number of new and exciting things were launched and leared at the conference.

First, the Rehabilitation Environmental Scan Atlas ‘Capturing Capacity in Canadian SCI Rehabilitation’ was launched at the conference.  The Atlas examines the complexities of SCI rehab, describes the current state of practice and maps the action required to standardize and transform practice by 2020. The Atlas is now available for downloading as a PDF at the Rick Hansen Institute:

Second, our group was alerted to clincial guidelines for the management of neurogenic bowel dysfunction after spinal cord injury.  These guidelines are available on-line at the Royal Nursing of Nursing website as a downloadable PDF.  We have also bookmarked these guidelines in our bowel dysfunction page for future reference.

The PAR-QoL group also presented two posters on work-to-date on the website and on the upcoming section on depression to be launched in the near future.

We congratulate the organizers of the conference for a successful meeting and look forward to attending the 6th National SCI Conference (2014)!

By | 2018-06-28T11:57:56-05:00 October 22nd, 2012|Blog|