Here is this April’s list of monthly articles relating to QoL and SCI
3) Cooper RA, Ferretti E, Oyster M, Kelleher A, Cooper, R. The relationship between wheelchair mobility patterns and community participation among individuals with spinal cord injury. Assistive Technology 2011;23:177-83.
5) Franceschini M, Pagliacci MC, Russo T, Felzani G, Aito S, Marini C; Italian Group for the Epidemiological Study of Spinal Cord Injuries. Occurrence and predictors of employment after traumatic spinal cord injury: The GISEM Study. Spinal Cord 2012;50:238-42.
6) Ginis KA, Hicks AL, Latimer AE, Warburton DE, Bourne C, Ditor DS, et al. The development of evidence-informed physical activity guidelines for adults with spinal cord injury. [Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t Review]. Spinal Cord 2011;49:1088-96.
7) Othman AS, Engkasan, JP. Sexual dysfunction following spinal cord injury: The experiences of Malaysian women. Sex Disabil 2011;29:329-37.
8) Scovil CY, Ranabhat MK, Craighead IB, Wee J. Follow-up study of spinal cord injured patients after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation in Nepal in 2007. Spinal Cord 2012;50: 232-37.