
Achievements 2018-07-24T15:34:22-04:00


Manuscripts (Peer-Reviewed)

Published Abstracts (Peer-Reviewed)

  • Kairy D, Hitzig SL, Noreau L. Implementation model for an on-line quality of life outcomes tool-kit.  The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2012; 35: Abstract#37:p. 444.
  • Panjwani A, Noreau L, Hitzig SL. Quality of life and depression post-spinal cord injury: An evaluation of outcome measures. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2012; 35: Abstract#54:p. 456
  • Hitzig SL, Craven BC, Routhier F, Balioussis C, Noreau L.  The spinal cord injury participation and quality of life (Par-QoL) web-based tool-kit. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation. 2011; 16 (Supplement 1), P#74: p. 82.
  • Hitzig SL, Noreau L, Boschen KA, St-Germain D, Walker KD, Noonan VK, Craven BC. Guidelines for evaluating the impact of secondary health conditions after spinal cord injury on participation and quality of life (Par-QoL). The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2010: 33(2), P#44; p. 195.

 Invited Presentations (Peer-Reviewed)

  • Best KL, Noreau L, Hitzig S, Routhier F. Identifying and classifying quality of life tools for assessing living environment after spinal cord injury.Proceedings of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Chicago, IL, US Nov 2-4, 2016.
  • Best KL, Noreau L, Hitzig SL, Routhier F. Identifying and classifying quality of life tools for assessing living environment after spinal cord injury. Praxis Bridging the Gaps: From SCI Research to Improved Outcomes.Vancouver, BC. April 25-27, 2016.
  • Best KL, Hitzig SL, Kairy D, Noreau L, Routhier F. Theoretical Considerations on Quality of Life Outcome Tool Selection for Spinal Cord Injury. Praxis Bridging the Gaps: From SCI Research to Improved Outcomes.Vancouver, BC. April 25-27, 2016.
  • Best KL, Noreau L, Routhier F, Kairy D, Hitzig SL. Theoretical considerations on quality of life outcome tool selection for spinal cord injury. Proceedings of the Paralyzed Veterans of America’s Summit 2015, Jacksonville, FL, September 1-3, 2015.
  • Best KL, Noreau L, Routhier F, Kairy D, Hitzig SL. Theoretical considerations on quality of life outcome tool selection for spinal cord injury. Proceedings of the 4thISCoS and ASIA joint scientific meeting. Montreal, QC, May 14-16 2015.
  • Hitzig SL, Best KL, Burns AS, Craven BC, Noreau L. Identifying and classifying quality of life tools for assessing bowel dysfunction after spinal cord injury. Proceedings of the 4thISCoS and ASIA joint scientific meeting. Montreal, QC, May 14-16 2015.
  • Best KL,Hitzig SL, Ethans K, Craven BC, Noreau L. Identifying and classifying quality of life tools for assessing bladder dysfunction after spinal cord injury. Proceedings of the 4thISCoS and ASIA joint scientific meeting. Montreal, QC, May 14-16 2015.
  • Hitzig SL. Par-QoL: Guidelines for evaluating the impact of secondary health conditions after spinal cord injury on participation and quality of life. Invited presentation to the 4th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, Niagara Falls, ON, October 28, 2010.

Poster Presentations (Peer-Reviewed)

  • Panjwani A, Noreau L, Hitzig SL. Quality of life and depression post-spinal cord injury: An evaluation of outcome measures.  Poster presented at the 5th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, Toronto, ON, October 18-20, 2012.
  • Kairy D, Hitzig SL, Noreau L. Implementation model for an on-line quality of life outcomes tool-kit.  Poster presented at the 5th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, Toronto, ON, October 18-20, 2012.
  • Hitzig SL, Balioussis C, Craven BC, Nussbaum E, McGillivray CF, Noreau L.   Identifying quality of life outcome tools for measuring the impact of pressure ulcers in persons with spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the Rick Hansen Institute/Foundation 2012 Interdependence Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 15-18, 2012.
  • Hitzig SL, Balioussis C, Craven BC, Panjwani A, Routhier F, Noreau L.  The development of an on-line quality of life outcomes tool-kit for spinal cord injury professionals. Poster presented at the GTA Rehab Network Best Practices Day 2012: Building the Case for Rehab: Unlocking the Evidence, February 27, 2012.
  • Hitzig SL, Craven BC, Routhier F, Balioussis C, Noreau L. The spinal cord injury participation and quality of life (Par-QoL) web-based tool-kit.  Poster presented at the 2011 International Conference on Spinal Cord Medicine and Rehabilitation presented by the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCOS) and the American Spinal Injury Association, Washington, D.C., June 5-8, 2011.
  • Hitzig SL, Noreau L, Boschen KA, St-Germain D, Walker KD, Noonan VK, Craven BC. Guidelines for evaluating the impact of secondary health conditions after spinal cord injury on participation and quality of life (Par-QoL).  Poster presented at the 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA), Nashville, TN, May 23-26, 2010.


  • 9th Annual Charles H. Tator – Barbara Turnbull Lectureship Series in Spinal Cord Injury; 2010 – Poster Competition (First Prize) – $300; Awarded to Sander L. Hitzig for the poster: Hitzig SL, Craven BC, Routhier F, Noreau, L.  Par-QoL Tool-Kit: Quality of Life & Participation Measures after Spinal Cord Injury.